Thursday, June 14, 2018

IBM System x Servers

An experienced technology industry sales leader and senior administrator, John Teltsch has worked at IBM for more than 35 years, serving as general manger of global business partners since 2017. John Teltsch’s accomplishments with IBM include spearheading sales of its System x servers at the global level.

Hitting the global marketplace in the late 2000s, the IBM System x family of Intel and AMD chip based servers offered significant technological advancements in the march toward smarter, more efficient computing in the business environment. System x servers also increased corporate customers’ ability to manage levels of risk, respond rapidly to business opportunities, maintain ongoing business operations, reduce overall operational costs, and engender ongoing growth. The System x line incorporated best-in-class remote access and future-proof information technology measures with the latest in state-of-the-art energy management. 

In 2013, IBM sold System x to Lenovo as part of a $2.3 billion agreement that included the entire IBM x86 business line.